Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My "Hip" Blog

On Monday, November 3, at 7:30 a.m., they're going to insert a metal ball and stem into my femur bone, carve an artificial plastic socket into my hip bone, then snap the metal ball into the artificial socket.

Translation: I’m getting a hip replaced.

The pain in my hip is pretty bad, and if untreated, will only get worse. But I’m absolutely amazed – and grateful – that I live in an age where they know how to scoop out worn body parts, throw them away, and replace them!

As I understand it, for several weeks I won’t be able to bend over, twist around, cross my legs, lift heavy objects, climb a lot of stairs, walk very far, or drive a car. But none of that should interfere with my ability to sit in front of my personal computer and post to the internet. So, I’ll try to post regularly during my recovery period. My next post will probably be around November 7 or 8, when I’m out of the hospital.

One of my favorite bumper stickers is, “It’s the 21st century...Where’s my flying car?” Thanks to the miracle of modern medical technology, I feel that on November 3 I’ll finally be getting my flying car!

More to come…


Unknown said...

Jim - I think this is great! I've seen a lot of bloggers and other social media mavens get their start when they've been laid up due to surgery or illness. It's a great way to stay connected with your networks, even while confined to one location. Looking forward to reading more!

Jacque Brown said...

Jim - We will definitely miss you while you are out. Of course, we look forward to you bouncing off the ceiling and hopping over buildings when you get back!

Unknown said...


Ohhh, you're so 21st century!!!

I'm very impressed that you're starting this blog and I look forward to your updates. I hope you won't mind if I share this site with Cheryl, who, as we discussed, is having hip problems herself and is very curious to hear about your experiences.

All of us on the Intel team will miss you and we wish you a very speedy recovery.

Kim said...

Jim - It is way cool that you're blogging about it! Yes we will miss you. . . for about 7-10 days. By then I'll bet you'll have figured out how to work the computer somehow. But seriously, take your time, rest, and recuperate. We promise not to let anyone in the market invade any small countries without a a great strategic communications plan!

BabySis said...

Jimmy - Hurry up and recover so you can teach me how to blog and I can share my hip story on the internet. Then, maybe, when someone looks up "hip dysplasia" there will be more information for humans than dogs after my blog. I love you, Sis

Matt said...

You'll be good as new before you know it. Best wishes for a fast recovery. Looking forward to reading the updates on your progress.

Alanna said...

Hey Pop! It's great to see that you know how to use the interweb! You need a better picture though. You're looking awfully nerdy. I don't need strangers on the internet to know what a dork my dad is.

Anyway, I'll be up Friday and Saturday to come and check in on you. You'll do great. Love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. It's Amelia, Jim's daughter. My mom spoke to the doctor, and the procedure went perfectly. He's in the recovery room right now.