When I walk without a cane, I have a tendency to limp and lurch on my bad hip. My physical therapist noticed it today, and gave me some exercises to correct it.
Which gives me a much greater appreciation for Frankenstein. He was full of artificial parts. Couldn't they have given the poor guy a cane, or a walker, or sent him to my physical therapist, or something?
Which gives me a much greater appreciation for Frankenstein. He was full of artificial parts. Couldn't they have given the poor guy a cane, or a walker, or sent him to my physical therapist, or something?
Yes, I feel like that often after Tae Kwon Do--lots of limping and lurching. Like today, all I want is an ibuprofen, a hot bath, and a walker. I can see some sort of replacement surgery in my future one day!
We are so glad you're up and around! Everyone asks how you're doing and is surprised that you're coming back to work part time.
Don't be afraid to ask for help, like rides to client sites! We will certainly accommodate. We enjoy having you around and learn a lot from your expertise. Can't wait to see you soon.
Thanks! I'm a long way off from TAe Kwon Do...
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